
How do I register for classes?
To get started please click here to create an account and register for classes.

What precautions are being taken in regards to health and safety
The afterschool is following guidance from the Department of Education, New York State Department of Health, and the CDC to ensure children enjoy a healthy environment for work and play. Although COVID-19 is less of a concern than it had been, we continue to limit enrollment and class sizes to facilitate social distancing. Furthermore, all employees undergo a health screening required by the Department of Health and COVID-19 vaccination in compliance with Department of Education regulations. We also continue to offer a full slate of outdoor programs all year round.

What do the terms “early,” “regular” and “late registration” mean?
Early Registration begins well in advance of the start of our three cycles to gauge interest and help to properly staff classes. Some classes fill up quickly during early registration but we make every effort to accommodate those families who register early. If classes are over-subscribed at the end of early registration, we will conduct a lottery to reduce the class sizes or open additional sections if possible. We will also have waiting lists in place, please email your site supervisor for waiting list availability.

Regular Registration opens after the early registration period concludes and families are able to sign up on a space-available basis through the first day of each cycle.

Late registration continues through the second week of each cycle, which is also our “add/drop” period. We have in the past charged a fee for late registration in order to encourage the timely selection of classes, but generally we would just like for families to register in advance so that the program can run more smoothly.

How many classes should I sign up for?
Every child is different. Some kindergarten children are ready to go until lat pickup every day, but it’s okay if they’re not. The regular full school day can be really tiring in itself, and adding afterschool to that might be too much in some cases. But remember that you are able to drop classes for a full refund in the first two weeks, so feel free to try it out and if you need to make an adjustment, that’s fine.

What is Study Time? What is Enrichment?
Classes fall into two basic categories, enrichment classes and Study Time. Enrichment classes as those with a specific focus, such as cooking, soccer, musical theater, or fencing, where the instructor prepares a lesson for each class meeting. Study time, on the other hand, is where children work quietly on their own with the supervision of a teacher. The price for enrichment classes is between $400 and $450 (for double session classes like Outdoor Adventures) and study time is $125 if paired with an enrichment class, but can be even less as you sign up for more sessions. A cost-effective way to arrange your child’s schedule is to have one enrichment class and one study time session on a given day.

When does registration open and which classes will be offered?
Arts and Athletics Afterschool runs in 3 cycles per year, Fall, Winter, and Spring. Fall cycle registration opens in June and remains open all summer. We typically send a flyer home with the upcoming cycle’s schedule of classes a few weeks before the start of the new cycle.

How do students get from daytime classrooms to afterschool class?
Children are never left unsupervised! Daytime teachers keep a list of the students who take part in afterschool activities. Daytime teachers escort children directly to the school’s cafeteria where the Arts and Athletics staff are waiting. Each activity has its own meeting spot with a roster listing the names of participating children. Children arrive, find their names on the list, have their snacks (brought from home), and visit with their friends for a few minutes while afterschool staff take attendance.

What are pick up times?
PS 9: Early session pick up time is 4:20 p.m. Late session pick up is 5:40 p.m.
PS 334: Early session pick up time is 4:20 p.m. Late session pick up is 5:40 p.m.
PS 452: Early session pick up time is 4:20 p.m. Late session pick up is 5:40 p.m.

OH, NO! I am running late!!
PLEASE NOTE: By NYC Department of Education regulation we must be out of the building by 6:00 p.m. Thank you for your cooperation!
If you are running late or need to pick up your child early, please call or text your Arts and Athletics Site Supervisor. Click here for contacts

I can’t log in…HELP!!
Please register on a computer. IOS and Android are not currently supported. Supported browsers include Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari. Firefox is not currently supported. Office networks often have firewalls that interfere with our registration process. Please try on your home computer. It may be an issue with your log-in credentials. If you are still having trouble please email:

How do I change my class selections?
After an initial class selection is made, simply email to make changes. This is normal and we are happy to help.

Can I add a class after the cycle has started?
Classes can be added [based on availability] through the second week of the cycle. Later additions are discouraged but are possible if it can be done without disrupting the class too severely.

Can I drop a class after the cycle has started?
A class can be dropped through the second week of the cycle and a full credit will be applied to your account. Except in extreme circumstances, no credits are given for classes dropped after the second week, so please communicate your desire to drop a class in a timely way.

Cancelations/Refunds: Full refunds or credits are provided through the add/drop period at the beginning of each cycle which runs through the end of the second week. If during the course of the cycle, the school requires your child to quarantine, they should not attend afterschool. Arts and Athletics will credit your afterschool account for any missed classes due to following the school’s safety protocols.  

What do kindergarteners do in Study Time if they have finished their homework?
Kindergarten study time includes read-alouds, outdoor play, cooperative games, age-appropriate puzzles, quiet time, drawing and reading. A Kindergarten teacher who works in the school typically staffs these classes so they are familiar with the curriculum and with the developmental needs of young childre.

Can my child take a class at another Arts and Athletics site if that class is not being offered at his/her school?
In rare cases, students are allowed to cross-register for classes at other Arts and Athletics school sites as long as it does not lock out students who attend that school.

Can my child enroll in a class outside their current grade?
Enrollment is restricted to the specified grade ranges, determined collaboratively with instructors. Our goal is to ensure safety, compliance with state licensing mandates and a positive experience for students and their families. Let us know if there is interest in a class not yet available as in some cases we may be able to add a section for that grade range.