New Families

Registration, Opt-in, and Class Selection

Please begin the process by visiting the and clicking the red button in the upper right corner labeled “Manage Account.” There you can create an account, opt-in to our email and SMS notification practices, add to your pick up list, and emergency contacts. Once you’ve created an account, you will then be included in all future email correspondence…including announcements about the opening of cycle registration.

This page includes a lot of information that is specific to new families, but we have also compiled two FAQ pages that will help to illustrate our philosophy, our approach, and our vision for out-of-school-time programming. The first is general questions and the second is specific to parents’ questions about the first days and weeks of afterschool participation.

General FAQs:
First Week FAQs:
Link to Fall 2024 Offerings:
Contact Information (for all the questions not covered here):
Phone: 917-279-7345 and Email:

Structure of the Arts and Athletics Program

We have three cycles per year…fall, winter, spring…of about 12 weeks each.  The start and end dates are listed in the grid below along with dates when DoE schools are closed. (Afterschool is not in session on days that schools are closed, but we sometimes offer camps, which we will publicize separately.)

Each day is divided into an early session (from dismissal to 4:20) and a late session (from 4:20 to 5:40) and pickup should be completed by 6pm, when our DoE afterschool permit expires. 

There are two basic price points: Enrichment classes like sports and music and dance and art…which are $400 for one day (Mondays) for the twelve-week cycle. The other price point is Study Time/Supervised Activity, which is $125 for one day (e.g. Mondays) for the twelve-week cycle and is reduced to $60 if you sign up for multiple days of week.

I’ve attached a screen shot of a full schedule at PS 9 but other sites are quite similar. Note that Musical Theatre on Monday is extended time (to 5:15pm) so the charge is $425 and that five days of Study Time late sessions are $60 for the twelve-week cycle, $3.75 per hour, which keeps the overall cost down.

Some cycles, there are fewer Mondays than Thursday (always between 10 and 13 class meetings) but it averages about 11.5 classes meetings. We price classes the same to simplify accounting.

Broken down, it’s $168 per week, $34 per day…about $10 per hour. At that rate we can provide scholarships to families who have need and we can ensure that it’s a program that is accessible to everyone. 

I’m sure there will be more questions. Keep them coming! I’ll try to answer them all as quickly as I can. Send inquiries to and include your child’s school in the subject line.

Statement About the Start

At all three of our sites, we are ramping up and continuing to expand programming, recruiting and hiring and training on an ongoing basis. We have a wonderful new crop of instructors and we have hired a site supervisor and lead teacher for the program.

Welcome / Introduction Letter

We are excited to launch another great year of Arts and Athletics afterschool programming at three schools–PS 9, PS 334, and PS 452!

Continuing a thirty-year tradition of afterschool programming, our offerings include a range of sports, including running, soccer, and basketball, performing arts such as musical theater, instrumental musical instruction, improv, and acting, as well as arts and crafts, computer coding, and science. These classes and many more expose children to experience that develop their skills and spark their creativity.

With small class sizes and highly qualified instructors, Arts and Athletics afterschool has a legacy of helping cultivate children’s engagement with school and a life-long love of learning.

More details about specific classes and other program details will be posted here in the next few days.

Welcome to Arts and Athletics!

Best regards,

Neil Fitzgerald, Director