Meredith Ramsay, stage name Ezinma, taught violin in the Arts and Athletics afterschool for years until she joined Beyonce and other top performers to tour the globe. Now working on a solo album and starting her own foundation to promote children’s love of music, Ezinma has returned to teach an online courses for all interested Arts and Athletics students.

This first in the series of inventive music appreciation classes, Ezinma will teach a 45 minute lesson called “Violin without a Violin.” Using materials you have around the apartment, your child will create a violin while learning about the parts of the instrument, its rich history, and a number of famous pieces that feature it.

What you’ll need:
Empty box (mac & chess/cracker jacks)
Ruler or paint stick
Tape and scissors
Wrapping paper or regular paper to wrap the box
Newspaper to stuff box
Rubber bands
Extras: markers, glitter, stickers…anything you want to use to decorate your violin.
If interested, email us at info@artsandathletics.org and we’ll send you the Zoom meeting link.