E-Learning Materials: Teacher Guide

As we adjust and re-tool our offerings to meet the needs of this challenging time, we are encouraging teachers to adapt their course content to an e-learning environment.

To help support your efforts, we have put a number of guidelines in places:

1) Videos should be filmed in landscape (sideways) mode
2) Videos can vary in length, but generally 15 or 30 minutes is best
3) Please begin by introducing yourself and details about your lesson
4) Clarify who your target audience is
5) Little things are big things: Consider lighting, sound, and keep the camera steady
6) Use a plain background that won’t district from your message
7) Get the children’s attention by speaking directly to them
8) We want our teachers to connect with their students…not just online videos

Zoom Lessons:
1) Zoom lessons are scheduled for a particular time and should be approved by supervisor in advance
2) Plan for a lesson of 30 minutes to 45 minutes
3) The same “set up” considerations for video apply to Zoom presentations. Consider your lighting, sounds, and tri-pod to avoid distracting shakes and other problems.
4) Your site supervisor will attend the lesson and record it for student to view or re-view later.