Please Scroll Down to Find Performance Schedules for Programs at PS 9, PS 84 and PS 166
AAA @ PS 9 End of Winter Cycle Performances
Please check in with Fiorella at the sign-out desk for performance locations
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Tae Kwon Do Early Session: 4:00 pm
Tae Kwon Do Late Session: 5:15 pm
Hip Hop Demonstration: 5:15 pm
Monday, March 11, 2019
Grease: 4:00 pm in the Auditorium
Step Dance Demonstration: 5:15 pm
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Ballet: 4:00 pm Open Class in the Auditorium
Fencing Early Session: Please arrive by 3:45 pm
Fencing Late Session: Please arrive by 4:50 pm
Friday March 15, 2019
First Steps to Musical Theater: 3:30 pm in the auditorium
Magic Showcase Early Session: 4:00 pm
Magic Showcase Late Session: 5:15 pm
AAA @ PS 84 End of Winter Cycle Performances
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Thursday Yoga: 4:00 pm In Room 238
Tap Dance: 4:00 pm In the Auditorium
The Pre-K Afterschool Winter Recital and Art Exhibition 5:00 pm
In the Auditorium. Children who are not enrolled on Thursdays are welcome to stay in afterschool.
Monday March 11, 2019
Kinder Dance: 4:00 pm In the Auditorium
Hip-Hop (Beginners): 5:00 pm In the Auditorium
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Martial Arts: 3:45 pm In Room 130
Wednesday March 13, 2019
First Steps Musical: 4:00 pm In the Auditorium
Danser Avec Nous!: 4:00 pm In the Auditorium
Ballet & Jazz: 5:00 pm In the Auditorium
Friday March 15, 2019
Friday Yoga: 4:00 pm In Room 238
Creative Movement: 4:00 pm In the Auditorium
AAA @ PS 166 End of Winter Cycle Performances
Thursday, March 7, 2019
First Steps Musical Theater with Jeff, K-1: 3:40 pm. In the auditorium
Monday, March 11, 2019
Monday First Steps Musical Theater: Doors open at 3:45 pm, the show begins at 4:00 pm. In the Auditorium
Karate Kids K-3: 3:30 Open Class in the gym
Rock Band: 4:00 pm In the music room, 5th floor
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Dance Demonstration: 4:15 pm All dance classes, in the Auditorium
Friday, March 15, 2019
Friday Karate Kids 1st Session: 3:20 pm Open Class in the Auditorium
Karate Kids 2nd Session: 4:45 pm Open Class in the Auditorium