Welcome to PS 9–Orientation Day Demo Class

This morning (Thursday, June 25, 2020) PS 9 is hosting an information session for parents and caregivers of our new incoming students. As the PS 9 afterschool provider Arts and Athletics offers a wide range of afterschool activities during the school year, camps during holidays and vacations, and virtual meet-ups and video lessons when we can’t meet in person.

We are so exited to hold a demo class during the parent orientation. The class presented our early childhood specialists will include play and movement and music and will give children a sample of the virtual camp we will conduct over six weeks this summer.

Join Demo Day Zoom Meeting here: https://zoom.us/j/97347921916?pwd=MUgvZnVXOGFCZGIy Um5YSjZ3N2I5QT09 Meeting ID: 973 4792 1916 Password: SUMMERFUN

View PDF announcement here: http://recreate.longtermsolutions.com/pdf/demo_day.pdf

The class this morning will be as follows:

Class starts at 9 am 
9-9:10 circle time welcome and acknowledge the kids 
9:10 wiggle time 
9:10 yoga class with Ms Corinne 
9:30 show us your toys 
9:40 good bye song 

Thank you for your interest,


Diana Carrera-Cifuentes, Early Childhood Programs Director
diana@artsandathletics.org, 917-692-1577